When we designed our new-and-improved next-gen hosting platform from the ground up, we focused on performance and site speed. As part of that process, we identified tools that can negatively impact server performance. That includes things like the server control panel and hosted email. Traditionally, these use lots of resources. So we stripped them out to maximize server performance and disk space usage for our clients.
But we know email is also important to your business. Over the past few months we’ve been rolling out a hosted email solution. This solution offers domain-based email without impacting your server or requiring a separate provider such as Google Workspace (formerly G Suite).
With this new system, clients are eligible for 3 free email accounts per hosted domain. Any additional accounts after that are $4/month. However, we also include forwarding or alias accounts for free. That means you can create multiple email addresses (customerservice@, sponsorship@, etc.) that forward to your main account. These forwards don’t use any of your email spots.
As with much of your hosting, we’ll take care of getting email set up or migrated for you. Managing your account, adding new email addresses, and accessing your email within a mail client are easy and straightforward. (Read more in the help center.)
Ready to add email to your account? Email support today, and we’ll get you set up!

With 10 years of experience as a professional blogger—and as a former Agathon hosting client herself—Mandi’s passionate about the good work Agathon does and sharing that message with more people.