Alpha and beta testing during app development

Alpha and beta testing provide important data and feedback that helps our development team prepare an app for a successful launch.
Alpha and beta testing provide important data and feedback that helps our development team prepare an app for a successful launch.
Every development project looks different, but our overall process—the Agathon approach, if you will—remains the same across every project. Here’s what that looks like.
When someone comes to us about redesigning a web or mobile app, these are the types of questions we ask. Our goal is to get beyond the features the organization would like to see to really drill down to those users need and want.
I was first introduced to the concept of rubber ducking while attending the DevLeague bootcamp. The concept comes from the book The Pragmatic Programmer and has become a classic method for debugging code. But it’s not just valuable for software developers; this practice helps people problem solve regardless of industry or job title (and even …
Four of our developers have graduated from DevLeague’s accelerated learning bootcamp in Hawaii. We didn’t set out to hire from the bootcamp, which made the pattern all the more intriguing. What is it about DevLeague program that prepared high-quality candidates for the complexity of real-world programming?
We’ve put together a free downloadable guide with the questions you need to ask before you launch a new project. From identifying your users and their needs to acknowledging the risks, this guide walks you through the important questions you should be asking ahead of time to set up your project for success. Get your free downloadable PDF guide here!
What sets a great software developer apart from a good one? These are the 10 characteristics identified by our team as essential.
A project retrospective provides an opportunity to intentionally look back at what worked, what didn’t, and where improvements can be made. Here’s how we use project retrospectives plus a free template for conducting your own!
We recently began bundling CodePush with the mobile apps we develop in React Native. This allows us to quickly push out bug fixes and updates without waiting on the normal app approval process or requiring users to update the app. Here’s how that impacts our app development process and the user experience.
At Agathon, we believe that aligning disciplines — strategy, design, development, and server administration — results in better products for our clients. Here’s why.